This research attempts to establish the Dillard line from David L Dillard back to George Dillard, an immigrant to Virginia, circa 1650.

The Prologue is based on research by Miriam Dillard Klar.

The database of decendents of David L Dillard is based on research by Emmett U Dillard

The research was documented by Emmett's son David Dillard and published to this website with the help of other family members.


Per Emmett Dillard:
    Many people provided invaluable help in this endeavor and I would like to say "thank you" to all of you. I have tried to thank you individually as you gave me the information; if I did not, I apologize for the oversight. For my part, I spent many long, but rewarding, hours going through records in the History and Archives building in Raleigh, visiting with people, writing letters, making phone calls, etc. I have made every effort to eliminate all errors, but I am sure that some will be found.  In those instances please use the Contact form to send the correct information to the webiste administrators. I hope that for some of you this will be a beginning for you to use in learning more about your family. For all, I hope you will find this information helpful in meeting friends and relatives you will enjoy knowing.